
During Spring 2020, the health contingency caused by the COVID 19 Pandemic bring the untimely suspension of the way of teaching classes on face-to-face modalities of different educational levels, including the higher level. That forced teachers and students to use the New Information and Communication Technologies (NTIC), such as social networks, instructional platforms and virtual applications, as generating tools of the learning-teaching process; the implementation was founded on an individualized empirical design, instead of an institutional psycho-pedagogical design, and it concluded with an evaluation process equally conceived. The objective of this educational research work is to investigate, through the analysis of a significant sample, the level of satisfaction generated in bachelor students from Facultades de Contaduría Pública and Ingeniería Química from Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, by the evaluation process in which they were participants during Spring 2020, using a mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative), descriptive and interpretive. With the knowledge obtained, generate a proposal to improve the evaluation processes described, maintaining and, if it is necessary, increase the satisfaction level of students and encouraging them to continue in the virtual mode or Hybrid Educational Models. Additionally, fulfilling the learning purposes of each subject and facilitating the learning-teaching process, with a competence approach determined by the Modelo Universitario Minerva BUAP (DGES, 2016). For this, an electronic survey was design as research instrument, analogous to the Likert Scale and validated by Expert Judgment (Escobar and Cuervo, 2008); the data treatment was carried out by creating a database in Excel Spreadsheet and, later, the SPSS Software was used to build the descriptive statistical graphics, obtaining satisfactory results.

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