
The aging of the population has demanded a greater burden of care on the part of the elderly's health systems and family members, especially after hospitalization. Health professionals, especially nurses, are responsible for health education, so that rehabilitation is safe and care is successful. The aim of this study is to report the experience of health education carried out with family members (caregivers) and elderly people after discharge to prevent falls at home. This is an experience report arising from home visits carried out three months after hospital discharge of elderly people who received surgical treatment for fractures of the lower limbs in a public hospital in Porto Alegre-RS. We carried out the field research in three stages, which are described below telephone contact prior to scheduling the visit, during the visit we started the approach based on informal dialogue, rescuing the experiences related to the act of caring for the elderly on their own. Expenses, return home and, finally, guidance on home care to prevent further falls. 55 home visits were carried out in Porto Alegre and its metropolitan region. Health education used the calendar as a resource for discussing best practices in home care to prevent the risk of falls and promote the autonomy and independence of the elderly. This intervention managed to rehabilitate the elderly's self-confidence, autonomy and independence, promoting quality of life and social reintegration, in addition to making the family member jointly responsible for safe care.


  • A partir das observações e discussões realizadas nos domicílios dos idosos foi possível identificar potencialidades para reabilitação no contexto do cuidado domiciliar as intervenções de educação em saúde voltadas para observação de pequenos cuidados diários

  • A educação em saúde por meio do diálogo envolveu o idoso e o familiar (cuidador) no cuidado para reabilitação pós-alta hospitalar, pois desmistificou a sensação de incapacidade do idoso pós-trauma

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O com- A partir destas experiências a educação em prometimento global da saúde dos no pós-alta saúde no contexto domiciliar promove o empohospitalar reflete diretamente sobre qualidade deramento do familiar (cuidador informal) e do de vida dos mesmos. De, em especial a enfermagem, são responsáveis O empoderamento é a oportunidade que o papor promover educação em saúde, tanto no ciente tem de desenvolver novas habilidades em contexto hospitalar quanto domiciliar para que relação ao seu autocuidado.

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