
Las nuevas leyes de los nuevos medios y la reconfiguracion del entorno As novas leis das novas midias e a reconfiguracao do entorno This article aims to reflectively and analytically explore the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICT) and the re-shaping of the environment in the imaginary of media ecology. For this purpose, the method used is the theoretical review of concepts such as exaptation from evolutionary biology, passing through the development and evolution of media and technologies and highlighting the importance of the science-technology-society trinomial. ICTs facilitate the process of exaptation in contemporary societies, encouraging individuals to discover new possibilities for development and new forms of knowledge. Since the sixties, the importance of the study of media as instruments with unique characteristics has been underlined since they affect society for their design, form and structure. When a technology, medium or instrument successfully breaks into a society, it redefines it deeply. But the process of adaptation is not enough to explain the complexity of technological changes. Therefore, the concept of exaptation incorporated into the imaginary of media ecology helps to understand the evolutionary transformation of beings and technologies beyond their specific environments. The original contribution of this article lies in the incorporation of the concept of exaptation to the theoretical and conceptual imaginary of communicology, specifically media ecology. In this way, exaptation makes it possible to assess the relevance of Marshall and Eric McLuhan’s tetrad of media effects. Para citar este articulo / to reference this article / para citar este artigo Gutierrez-Cortes, F. , Islas-Carmona, O. y Arribas-Urrutia, A. (2019). Las nuevas leyes de los nuevos medios y la reconfiguracion del entorno. Palabra Clave, 22 (2), e2229. DOI: 10.5294/pacla.2019.22.2.9 Recibido: 16/01/2018 Aceptado: 09/04/2018

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