
The seminar, organized by CEMLA (Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos, Buenos Aires) and CMS (Center for Migration Studies, New York), was sponsored by the IOM (International Organization for Migration) and supported by the Colombian government. Held in Bogota, August 25-28, 1992, the conference included both official and nonofficial participants from many American countries. The first opening statement was delivered by Ms. Nohemi Sanin de Rubio, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia, who referred to Colombia's new program for attracting immigrants to Colombia who could aid in economic modernization and to its interest in seeing more protection for migrant families, given that Colombians form 2.5 percent of world migration although they comprise only .02 percent of the world's population. Ambassador Hector Charry Samper, Adjutant Director General of IOM, then indicated that poverty is the major cause of migration and that this requires a local as well as an international solution, that the age of massive migrations such as those of the last century has passed and that international agreements, such as the United Nations International Con? vention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Mem? bers of Their Families, must be taken into consideration when dealing with migratory movements. Father Luis Favero, representative of CEMLA, and CMS welcomed the participants and public and expressed the hope that the

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