
The purpose of this paper is to focus on the interpretations of some 20th and 21st century artworks inspired by the painting Las Meninas by Diego Velazquez. The analysis is to show the potential of artistic techniques, the inventiveness of the avant-garde and neo-avant-garde artists, and the meaningful re-readings of the original work. The author concludes that imitative artworks lacking a conceptual dimension are only historical references with no significant role in the history of art due to their submission to the influence of the Baroque model. In contrast, significant conceptualisation and creative attitude towards Las Meninas add to intentionally meaningful interpretations, showing the deeper aspects of the masterpiece, and thus becoming autonomous artworks which could be presumably created regardless of the original source of inspiration. The artworks under scrutiny have been selected with regard to their artistic techniques and their interpretative potential which served as a means to define the level of their creative autonomy.

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