
Talking on the Nile of Naguib Mahfuz and Conversation in the Cathedral of Mario Vargas Llosa Contrastive pragma-linguistic analysis In this paper, a contrastive analysis is presented at a pragmatic linguistic level of narrative language in two novels: Talking on the Nile of the Egyptian Nobel writer Naguib Mahfuz and Conversation of the Cathedral of the Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa. The analysis focuses on the remarkable intuitive agreement between these two Nobel authors in deviating from the Geoffery Leech Politeness Principle. In both novels it is clear the use of linguistic formulas that violates the pragmatic politeness in order to achieve a deep and thorough social criticism of the Egyptian and Peruvian reality in the time of the fifties and sixties. Through the violation of the pragmatic principle, both Nobel authors, the objective of this study, seek to expose a greater ailment that affects both Egyptian and Peruvian society, an impoliteness towards citizens belonging to various sectors and social classes. In the two novels analyzed, the novelists found in the transgression of the Principle of Courtesy the best way to present the concerns and constant conflicts of the human being against his own society. Likewise, both Mahfuz and Llosa, expose the mentalities that support the stratification of society, with their respective prejudices, beliefs and ideologies.

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