
The case of the Orthodox and Eastern Churches in Spain is key for understanding the impact of migratory movements and transnational diasporas on the national particularities of the current patriarchates. In the public sphere, these are interrelated to a greater or lesser degree to a marked context of religious pluralism, non-denominationalism of the State and religious freedom enshrined as a fundamental right. The general objective of the article is, on the basis of a convulsive international panorama generated by conflicts such as that between Russia and the Ukraine, to offer an analysis of the current interaction of these churches and their main dynamics in the light of transnational migratory flows. This includes the increase in the numbers of faithful and of places of worship and the changes in the ecclesiastical structures of public representation and dialogue. For this purpose, the methodological approach of the work will focus on different cases represented by national churches, such as the Romanian and Russian churches; the “autochthonous” cases of the Spanish Orthodox Church and the Hispanic Orthodox Church; and pan-orthodox cases, such as that of Greece. Also included will be a group of newcomer churches that, for the moment, have a smaller volume and degree of implantation.

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