
Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope (LCOGT) is a unique worldwide network of dynamically scheduled, fully robotic optical telescopes, purpose built for time domain astronomy. The LCOGT network enters its second decade of operations in 2024. A flood of transient alerts are expected from the Vera C. Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and multimessenger observatories. In 2023 LCOGT will complete the northern hemisphere 1-m telescope ring, currently four telescopes at McDonald and Teide Observatories, with the addition of two 1-m telescopes at Ali Observatory in Tibet. The southern ring is complete at the Siding Spring, Cerro Tololo and the South African Astronomical Observatories. LCOGT is an active partner in the Astrophysical Event Observatory Network (AEON) with NOIRLab facilities (Gemini Observatory, SOAR Observatory, and the Community Science and Data Center), to develop the infrastructure to efficiently carry out astronomical observations in the Vera C. Rubin Observatory LSST era. While the global pandemic has provided multiple operational challenges, hardware and software projects currently underway will make LCOGT an even more powerful transient follow-up facility in its second decade of operations.

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