
The traditional tourism model has changed with the appearance of new technologies. The traditional marketing tools used by Travel Agencies are disappearing, giving way to improved methods of marketing to promote tourism products which are based on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Buying habits have changed due to the fast development of the Internet in the last 10 years. With Web 1.0, websites were static and not very interactive but now Web 2.0 allows content creation and on -line communication between users as creators and consumers of information. In recent years, tourism companies have begun to create direct marketing channels with the client to avoid dealing with intermediaries, to improve efficiency and to reduce costs. This allowed users to book a trip or a tourism service by themselves through the network and at a significantly lower price. Advice previously found in Travel Agencies is now provided by users who have used the service and whose experience brings an unique and different point of view. This whole phenomenon has forced Travel Agencies into the background because now the tourist is more experienced, more informed and familiar with these new tools born from the Web 2.0. Although interaction between the customer and the travel agent generates added value, many traditional Travel Agencies have closed their businesses and could disappear as they are known today. However, many possibilities could be opened to them if they adapt to the current market, an environment which encourages the use of new technologies from Web 2.0 to Social Networks to keep and attract new customers.

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