
First described in 1982, laryngeal synkinesis continues to play an important diagnostic and therapeutic role following recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury. Vocal fold motion impairment (formerly called "vocal cord paralysis"), hyperadducted and hyperabducted vocal folds, and certain laryngeal spasmodic and tremor disorders are often best explained by synkinesis. A closer look at these mechanisms confirms that following RLN injury, immobile vocal folds may be nearly normally functional (favorable), or spastic, hyperadducted, or hyperabducted (unfavorable). This has resulted in a functional classification of laryngeal synkinesis as follows: type I laryngeal synkinesis, with satisfactory voice and airway (vocal fold poorly mobile, or immobile); type II synkinesis, with spasmodic vocal folds and an unsatisfactory voice and/or airway; type III synkinesis, with hyperadducted vocal folds and airway compromise; and type IV synkinesis, with hyperabducted vocal folds, poor voice, and possible aspiration. This classification facilitates the understanding of laryngeal pathophysiology following RLN injuries and promotes a more scientific basis for management.

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