
A noninvasive pressure-flow technique was used to compare laryngeal airway resistances in nine female classroom teachers with symptoms of vocal fatigue and seven teachers without symptoms of vocal fatigue. Data were collected two times per day on the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of a typical work-week. No significant between-group differences were found, but two within-group differences were notable. Airflow in the fatigued subjects decreased across the sampling period (p = .0009). In the controls, air pressure increased across the sampling period (p = .021). These findings suggest that both groups may have reacted to vocal demands during the week by employing two different strategies to maintain habitual laryngeal airway resistance: laryngeal adjustments alone or laryngeal adjustments plus increased respiratory drive. The first strategy, employed by the fatigued subjects, may have been less efficient, thereby provoking conditions associated with their vocal fatigue.

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