
Larvae of eight sea spiders from three families (Ammotheidae, Pycnogonidae and Phoxichilidiidae) are described for the first time. The external morphology of the first larval stage of each species is presented in detail using scanning electron microscopy photographs in order to determine the mode of postembryonic development. Three types of larval development are apparent in the species examined. The speciesAchelia gracilipes, Eurycyde spinosa, Pycnogonum rickettsiandPycnogonum stearnsi(families Ammotheidae and Pycnogonidae) have larval morphologies indicative of an ‘ectoparasitic’ development. Morphological characteristics ofAchelia simplissimaandAchelia chelata(family Ammotheidae) larvae suggest an ‘endoparasitic’ development, while larvae of the speciesAnoplodactylus viridintestinalis(family Phoxichilidiidae) have traits implying an ‘encysting’ postembryonic mode of development. Larvae of the speciesNymphopsis spinosissimahave unusual morphological characteristics that may be indicative of a new developmental mode.

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