
Morphological measurements such as head-capsule (HC) width can be very useful and accessible tools that may be employed for classifying Lepidopteran larval instars according to stage of life history. The availability of such measures is crucial in the management of larval pests, because their control relies upon making accurate assessment of the life history stage at which larvae has reached in various environmental conditions. Such forecasts are then used in order to estimate the timing of emergence for future adult populations. Previous studies investigated the use of head-capsule widths from field larvae of European Grapevine Moth (EGVM), Lobesia botrana Den. and Schiff., to describe the distributions of the five instars during three generations of the insect. The observations were performed in 1998 and 2002 in a vineyard near Bordeaux. The results presented here increase the scope of earlier methods by providing statistical confidence. Our method was calibrated on a large number of individuals ( N = 552) issued from our insect culture and uses a nonlinear least-squares parameter estimation to describe the distribution of each larval instar inside each generation. The model was tested on a wild larval population ( n = 3007) occurring in our experimental vineyard during two complete years. The instar class ranges and boundaries were characterized with the associated probabilities of misclassification. A final classification statistical model is developed for each instar and each generation. From this study, we conclude that larval HC sizes increase statistically according to the generation of the year, and thus is influenced by grape phenology. The statistical tool may be easily used either by technicians or scientists to determine the larval phenological development of wild populations of the EGVM. The extension of the model to other moths is discussed.

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