
Based upon adults reared from dead wood or galls in live branches collected in Connecticut and nearby states, I report larval hosts for 39 species of Cerambycidae in the subfamily Lamiinae. New hosts were discovered for 27 (69.2% of total) of the species. In all, 1,828 adults were reared to document 190 host associations, including 107 (56.3% of total) new ones. Astylopsis macula (Say) had the broadest host range with 28 fully identified hosts, followed by Urgleptes querci (Fitch) with 25 hosts and Hyperplatys aspersa (Say) with 13 hosts; the remaining 36 species developed in 10 or fewer hosts. Lamiine adults emerged from 70 woody species in 38 genera distributed in 23 plant families. The number of known host families for each species usually is given, along with comments about unreliable host records.

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