
Activity is a key behavioral trait that often mediates a trade-off between finding food for growth and evading predation. We investigated how activity of the damselfly Lestes congener is affected by larval state and predator presence and if larval behavioral type (BT) can be used to predict larval emergence behavior. Activity level of individual larvae was studied without predators at two different physiological states (hungry, fed) and in two predator treatments (familiar or unfamiliar predator cues). Larvae did not adjust their activity depending on state or when subjected to unfamiliar predator cues but a general reduction in activity was seen in the familiar predator treatment. Hence, active individuals remained active compared to their conspecifics, independent of state or predator treatment illustrating the presence of a behavioral syndrome. However, we found no correlation between larval BT and emergence behavior. Active individuals did not differ from less active individuals in any emergence characteristics. The results illustrate that the larval BT occurs in many situations keeping active larvae active even in maladaptive situations. Furthermore, we show that damselfly emergence behavior can be completely decoupled from larval BT, indicating a loss of stability in individual BT during critical stages in ontogeny.

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