
Field and laboratory studies compared two features of larval behavior in a pair of predacious sisterspecies of green lacewings: one (Chrysopa slossonae) a specialist on a single species of colonial aphids (the woolly alder aphid) that occur on branches and trunks of alder trees, the other (C. quadripunctata) a general aphid feeder whose primary prey is dispersed on foliage of diverse types of trees. First, a few hours after hatching, larvae of the two species develop significantly different phototactic responses; the differences correspond well with the spatial distributions of their prey. Most C. slossonae exhibited negative phototaxis, a response that helps move hatchlings inward on alder trees toward the woolly alder aphid colonies, whereas most C. quadripunctata hatchlings showed positive orientation to light, a response that tends to keep them in tree canopies with their prey. Second, in greenhouse experiments, a significantly greater proportion of C. slossonae larvae (second instars) molted within woolly alder aphid colonies and remained with the aphids than did C. quadripunctata larvae. These differences indicate that the specialist larvae have evolved a high degree of behavioral fidelity to their prey. However, larvae (second instars) of the two species that were released near ant-tended woolly alder aphid colonies in the field had similar recovery (= survival) rates. Consequently, natural selection may not act on behavioral traits that influence larval fidelity to prey during the late second and early third instars.

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