
Generation of large-volume rhyolites in the shallow crust is an important, yet enigmatic, process in the Snake River Plain and worldwide. Here, we present data for voluminous rhyolites from the 6·6–4·5 Ma Heise volcanic field in eastern Idaho. Heise is arguably the best site to evaluate shallow rhyolite genesis in the Snake River Plain; it is the youngest complete record of caldera cluster volcanism along the Yellowstone hotspot track and it culminated with the eruption of the most voluminous low-δ 18 O rhyolite known on Earth: the 1800 km 3 Kilgore Tuff (δ 18 O = 3·4‰). Such low-δ 18 O values fingerprint meteoric waters, and thus the shallow crust. New oxygen isotope data for phenocrysts, obtained by laser fluorination, correspond to a low-δ 18 O magma value of 3·4 ± 0·1‰ (2 standard error) for Kilgore Tuff samples erupted >100 km apart; however, ion microprobe data for single zircon crystals show significant diversity, with δ 18 O values that range from –1·3‰ to 6·1‰. U–Pb zircon ages, mineral chemistry, whole-rock major and trace element geochemistry, Sr and Nd isotope data, and magmatic (liquidus) temperatures are similar and/or overlapping for all studied samples of the Kilgore Tuff. Normal-δ 18 O Heise tuff units that preceded the Kilgore Tuff define a temporal compositional trend in trace element concentrations, trace element ratios, and Sr and Nd isotope ratios that is consistent with fractional crystallization from a common reservoir, whereas low-δ 18 O Kilgore cycle units have compositions that define a sharp reversal in the temporal trend back towards the composition of the first normal-δ 18 O Heise tuff (6·62 Ma Blacktail Creek Tuff). The data support derivation of the voluminous low-δ 18 O Kilgore Tuff from remelting of hydrothermally altered ( 18 O depleted) intracaldera and subvolcanic portions of the Blacktail Creek Tuff. Single pockets of melt with variable low-δ 18 O values were assembled and homogenized on a caldera-wide scale prior to the climactic Kilgore Tuff eruption, and the best record of this process is provided by the δ 18 O diversity in Kilgore Tuff zircons. Temporal trends of oxygen isotopic depletion and recovery in rhyolite eruptions of the Heise volcanic field are clearly linked to caldera collapse events, and remarkably consistent with trends in the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field. At Heise and Yellowstone, magmatic δ 18 O values can be predicted on the basis of cumulative eruptive volumes, with a decrease in δ 18 O by ∼1‰ for every ∼1000 km 3 of erupted rhyolite. The Kilgore Tuff of the Heise volcanic field has the same timing, magnitude of δ 18 O depletion, and cumulative eruptive volume as the youngest phase of voluminous rhyolitic eruptions in the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field, indicating that the Kilgore Tuff may serve as a useful analog for these and perhaps other large-volume low-δ 18 O rhyolites on Earth.

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