
Large-scale shell-model calculations are performed for even-even, odd-mass, and doubly odd nuclei of Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn, and Fr isotopes in the neutron deficit region $(Z\ensuremath{\ge}82,N\ensuremath{\le}126)$ assuming $^{208}\mathrm{Pb}$ as a doubly magic core. All the six single-particle orbitals between the magic numbers 82 and 126, namely, $0{h}_{9/2},1{f}_{7/2},0{i}_{13/2},2{p}_{3/2},1{f}_{5/2}$, and $2{p}_{1/2}$, are considered. For a phenomenological effective two-body interaction, one set of the monopole pairing and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions including the multipole-pairing interactions is adopted for all the nuclei considered. The calculated energies and electromagnetic properties are compared with the experimental data. Furthermore, many isomeric states are analyzed in terms of the shell-model configurations.

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