
Low-rank modeling has many important applications in computer vision and machine learning. While the matrix rank is often approximated by the convex nuclear norm, the use of nonconvex low-rank regularizers has demonstrated better empirical performance. However, the resulting optimization problem is much more challenging. Recent state-of-the-art requires an expensive full SVD in each iteration. In this paper, we show that for many commonly-used nonconvex low-rank regularizers, the singular values obtained from the proximal operator can be automatically threshold. This allows the proximal operator to be efficiently approximated by the power method. We then develop a fast proximal algorithm and its accelerated variant with inexact proximal step. It can be guaranteed that the squared distance between consecutive iterates converges at a rate of $O(1/T)$O(1/T), where $T$T is the number of iterations. Furthermore, we show the proposed algorithm can be parallelized, and the resultant algorithm achieves nearly linear speedup w.r.t. the number of threads. Extensive experiments are performed on matrix completion and robust principal component analysis. Significant speedup over the state-of-the-art is observed.

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