
Large-scale solar disturbances associated with powerful flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) during two passages of a grand system of three active regions in October–November 2003 are analyzed using data obtained with the SOHO/EIT EUV telescope. Dimmings (transient coronal holes) and, to a lesser extent, coronal waves (traveling emitting fronts) are studied using fixed-difference derotated images, in which a correction for the solar rotation is applied and a single heliogram preceding the event is subtracted from all subsequent heliograms. This method allows us to study difference heliograms in both the 195 A line (with an interval of 12 min) and the various-temperature channels of 171, 195, 284, and 304 A (with an interval of six hours). Our analysis shows, in particular, that the disturbances associated with CMEs demonstrated a global character and occupied almost the entire southern half of the disk in virtually all eruptive events during the two solar rotations. At the same time, the northern half of the disk, which had a large coronal hole, was only slightly disturbed. The dominant dimmings were observed on the disk as narrow, long features stretched mainly between three main, well-separated regions of the system and as long structures located along lines of solar latitude in the south polar sector. For repetitive events with intervals between them being not so long, the dominant dimmings demonstrated a clear homology in their forms and locations. During the very powerful event of October 28, one homologous global set of dimmings changed to another set. Many dimmings were observed to be identical or very similar in the three coronal channels and the transition-region line. It follows from the analysis that rapidly recovering global structures in the corona and transition region were involved in the eruption of running CMEs and the corresponding reconstruction of the large-scale magnetic fields.

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