
A key but challenging task for biostratigraphers is to provide a biozonal/bioevent framework for geological correlation. Species of Larger Benthic Foraminifera (LBF) are important biostratigraphic markers in depositional environments where classical biostratigraphic fossils such as planktonic micro- and macrofossils are rare or absent – e.g., tropical-subtropical shallow water platforms. However, a lack of taxonomic rigour in identifying some LBF species, together with a lack of good age-calibration of their occurrences, has given rise to artificially extended biostratigraphic and paleogeographic ranges for many taxa, diluting their usefulness. In this study, the occurrences of Cenomanian LBF belonging to a “planispiral morphogroup”, both agglutinated and calcareous, have been critically evaluated to determine (i) identity; (ii) stratigraphic range; and (iii) palaeogeographic distribution. Since the last major review of the group in 1985, a voluminous literature has appeared reporting occurrences and adding new taxa. An extensive review of some 600+ published items on Cenomanian planispiral LBF – mostly published after 1985 – and a critical review of the confidence in species identification and age-calibrations therein, has led us to identify 39 taxa (three in “open” status) which appear to have distinct identity. The vast majority of these records are from Neotethys although some also occur in (or are endemic to) the Caribbean/West Atlantic and the Eastern Pacific. The quality of the published taxonomic data is variable and many published records based on identity can be discounted or termed “unconfirmed”. Likewise, many records (confirmed or otherwise) are poorly age-calibrated due to lack of corroborating biostratigraphy or chemostratigraphy, or by using circular reasoning. We summarise and illustrate the main defining characteristics of each taxon and their possible confusion species, including new taxa described since the mid-1980s. We publish new, more confident, age-ranges for these taxa – confirmed by identity and/or age-calibration – and identify where published range data may be unreliable. Paleogeographic distribution maps for each taxon are also provided. Particular stratigraphic issues around the Cenomanian- Turonian boundary are observed due to the difficulty of identifying that boundary, or its preservation, in shallow marine carbonate settings. Although most Cenomanian planispiral LBF are somewhat long-ranging, an increase in diversity throughout the middle – late Cenomanian has shown potential for biostratigraphic resolution to at least substage level using this group. Integration of the planispiral taxa with other LBF morphogroups, after similar treatment, will yield even higher biostratigraphic resolution of Cenomanian LBF and provide a sound basis for biozonation (both local and global), correlation, and age calibration.

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