
The extraction efficiency of XAD-2 and 90 mm C 18 Empore disk for trace level determination (ng/L) of organic pollutants (i.e. hydrocarbons, chlorinated compounds) has been evaluated. Whereas C 18 Empore extraction disk exhibited higher extraction efficiency for aliphatic hydrocarbons from spiked Milli Q water and seawater, Amberlite XAD-2 column was more efficient for the extraction of individual PCB congeners and most of parent PAHs from spiked Milli Q water. However, in case of seawater analysis, the C 18 disk exhibited a higher extraction efficiency for the 3–4 aromatic ring PAHs. Only labile PAHs (i.e. benzo[ a]pyrene) and other analytes associated with fine particles were better recovered in XAD-2. Breakthrough volumes for the C 18 ( φ=90 mm) disks were compound dependent but they were at least 5–10 times lower than typical volumes for XAD-2. However, the C 18 disk application enables a solvent usage reduction leading to procedural blank improvement compared to XAD-2 columns.

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