
We present 547 optical redshifts obtained for galaxies in the region of the Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster (HRS) using the 6dF multi-fiber spectrograph on the UK Schmidt Telescope at the Anglo Australian Observatory. The HRS covers an area of more than 12deg x 12deg on the sky centered at approximately RA = 03h19m, DEC = -50deg 02amin. Our 6dF observations concentrate upon the inter-cluster regions of the HRS, from which we describe four primary results. First, the HRS spans at least the redshift range from 17,000 to 22,500 km s^-1. Second, the overdensity of galaxies in the inter-cluster regions of the HRS in this redshift range is estimated to be 2.4, or del rho/ rho ~ 1.4. Third, we find a systematic trend of increasing redshift along a Southeast-Northwest (SE-NW) spatial axis in the HRS, in that the mean redshift of HRS members increases by more than 1500 km s^-1 from SE to NW over a 12 deg region. Fourth, the HRS is bi-modal in redshift with a separation of ~ 2500 km s^-1 (35 Mpc) between the higher and lower redshift peaks. This fact is particularly evident if the above spatial-redshift trend is fitted and removed. In short, the HRS appears to consist of two components in redshift space, each one exhibiting a similar systematic spatial-redshift trend along a SE-NW axis. Lastly, we compare these results from the HRS with the Shapley supercluster and find similar properties and large-scale features.

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