
Geological mapping of fault systems on the Gazelle Peninsula, eastern New Britain arc, combined with a reinterpretation of existing sea floor data indicate that faults previously thought to be a possible location of the boundary between the North and South Bismarck Plates, do not appear to be directly related to the plate boundary spreading centres and transform faults in the 3.5 Ma Manus Basin. Structure on the Gazelle Peninsula is dominated by the Mediva Fault (new name) and the Wide Bay Fault System, both north‐northwest trending, deep‐seated features. The Mediva Fault, an element of the Baining Mountain Horst and Graben Zone, is an extensional structure which has focused Middle Miocene intrusive activity, controlled Mio‐Pliocene sedimentation in the central Gazelle Peninsula, and displaced Quaternary volcanic deposits. The Wide Bay Fault System has been active since at least the Late Oligocene. One hundred kilometres of sinistral strike‐slip motion is likely on this fault since at least the late Middl...

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