
Product image search aims to retrieve similar product images based on a query image. While deep learning based features work well in retrieving images of the same category (e.g. “searching for T-shirts from all the clothing images”), they perform poorly when retrieving variants of images within the same category (e.g. “searching for uniform of Chelsea football club from all T-shirts image”), since it requires fine-grained matching on image details. In this paper, we present a spatial quantization approach that utilizes spatial pyramid pooling (SPP) and vector of locally aggregated descriptors (VLAD) to extract more discriminative features for instance-aware product search. By using the proposed spatial quantization, spatial information is encoded into the image feature to improve the fine grained product image search. We also present an triplet learning to rank method to finetune the deep learning model on product image search task. Finally, the experiments conducted on a large scale real world dataset provided by Alibaba large-scale image search challenge (ALISC) demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

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