
In our present study, we performed a quick test of the antioxidant capacity of domestic fruit and vegetable cultivars with a PHOTOCHEM® instrument (Analytik Jena AG, Germany). The instrument is special because it can measure both the total lipid-soluble antioxidant capacity (ACL method) and the total water-soluble antioxidant capacity. Another advantage of the system is its quick measurement. With similar instruments, such measurement can take several hours, while PHOTOCHEM® can perform it within a few minutes.In our model studies, we examined the changes in the antioxidant capacity of sour cherry, green pepper, carrot, pumpkin, red beet and Brassica sp. cultivars. We aimed to determine how suitable the instrument is for quick, routine measurements in the case of the different horticultural products and which species have high antioxidant capacity values.On the basis of our examinations, we can state that the PHOTOCHEM® system is suitable for routine, semi-automated measurements of the total antioxidant capacity at several vegetables and fruits. Besides this, the system can be used for testing the quality of food products, for monitoring storability in post-harvest technologies, and for special breeding programmes and for physiological and biotechnological studies.


  • we performed a quick test of the antioxidant capacity of domestic fruit and vegetable cultivars with a PHOTOCHEM® instrument

  • while PHOTOCHEM® can perform it within a few minutes

  • we examined the changes in the antioxidant capacity of sour cherry

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We performed a quick test of the antioxidant capacity of domestic fruit and vegetable cultivars with a PHOTOCHEM® instrument (Analytik Jena AG, Germany). The instrument is special because it can measure both the total lipidsoluble antioxidant capacity (ACL method) and the total watersoluble antioxidant capacity Another advantage of the system is its quick measurement. Antioxidáns anyagok – melyet számos gyümölcs és zöldség tartalmaz – lehetnek különféle enzimek, vitaminok, illetve a növényi metabolizmus másodlagos anyagcseretermékei. A rendszer vetélytársának a közelmúltban az USA-ban kifejlesztett ORAC-elven működő mérőműszer számít, ami szintén képes vízés zsíroldékony antioxidánsok meghatározására, de a szuperoxid-dizmutáz enzimet nem méri. Irodalmi adatok egybehangzóan azt igazolják, hogy napjainkban az összes antioxidáns aktivitás meghatározására a leggyorsabb, félautomata mérési módszernek az általunk tanulmányozott PHOTOCHEM® számít, melynek másik nagy előnye, hogy nagyon kis mintamennyiséggel is rendkívül pontos mérést tesz lehetővé.

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