
The government has initiated wheat self-sufficiency strategies through increasing wheat productivity in the rain-fed agro-ecologies and expansion of production to the irrigable lowland areas. To this end, in 2019/20, the Oromia agricultural research institute and the Ethiopian institute of agricultural research have extended the experience to the high land and midland areas and not yet well introduced to the highland of north Shewa zone of Oromia. Therefore, the LSD was conducted in selected six districts (Jida, Abichu, Wacale, Degem, kuyu and Wara Jarso) of north Shewa Zone in 2020/2021 off season to popularize irrigated wheat production technologies practices and to encourage farmer-based seed production and supply systems under irrigation. Ogolcho and Kingbird varieties were used for large scale demonstration and planted on a total 162 hector of land. A total of 399 households and institutional producer who are members of organised Irrigation water users’ associations were involved in the activity. Before, class room trainings and stakeholder workshop were conducted to the participants from the selected districts on the overall activity implementation approach as well as bread wheat production and management under irrigation during off season. Accordingly, a total of 229 and 368 participants attended the training and field days, respectively. Yield data was collected and the result indicated that the maximum yield were recorded 58.7qt/ha and 48qt/ha at Abichu and Jida district, respectively. The outcome showed the presence of large and untouched productive areas suitable for wheat production under irrigation as to lead the areas to self-sufficient

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