
Using supersymmetric localization, we consider four-dimensional mathcal{N} = 2 superconformal quiver gauge theories obtained from {mathbb{Z}}_n orbifolds of mathcal{N} = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory in the large N limit at weak coupling. In particular, we show that: 1) The partition function for arbitrary couplings can be constructed in terms of universal building blocks. 2) It can be computed in perturbation series, which converges uniformly for |λI | < π2, where λI are the ’t Hooft coupling of the gauge groups. 3) The perturbation series for two-point functions can be explicitly computed to arbitrary orders. There is no universal effective coupling by which one can express them in terms of correlators of the mathcal{N} = 4 theory. 4) One can define twisted and untwisted sector operators. At the perturbative orbifold point, when all the couplings are the same, the correlators of untwisted sector operators coincide with those of mathcal{N} = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory. In the twisted sector, we find remarkable cancellations of a certain number of planar loops, determined by the conformal dimension of the operator.

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