
Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize health care but has yet to be widely implemented. In part, this may be because, to date, we have focused on easily predicted rather than easily actionable problems. Large language models (LLMs) represent a paradigm shift in our approach to artificial intelligence because they are easily accessible and already being tested by frontline clinicians, who are rapidly identifying possible use cases. LLMs in health care have the potential to reduce clerical work, bridge gaps in patient education, and more. As we enter this era of healthcare delivery, LLMs will present both opportunities and challenges in medical education. Future models should be developed to support trainees to develop skills in clinical reasoning, encourage evidence-based medicine, and offer case-based training opportunities. LLMs may also change what we continue teaching trainees with regard to clinical documentation. Finally, trainees can help us train and develop the LLMs of the future as we consider the best ways to incorporate LLMs into medical education. Ready or not, LLMs will soon be integrated into various aspects of clinical practice, and we must work closely with students and educators to make sure these models are also built with trainees in mind to responsibly chaperone medical education into the next era.

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