
This survey aimed to determine whether Barking Owls McGregor.Ninox connivens are still declining in south-west NSW; and if there are resident pairs of Powerful Owls Ninox strenua present in south-west NSW State Forests. Surveys for Barking Owls were conducted in and around eight locations they had been detected in 2004. During August 2008, call playback for Barking Owls was conducted in 175 sites at and surrounding these locations for a single night each. Powerful Owl calls were played at 12 of these sites. From the eight locations where Barking Owls were detected in 2004, only one was detected in 2008. A Powerful Owl was detected at one site during surveys and a pair seen there the following year, suggesting residency. In regards to the initial aims, Barking Owls appear to be declining, and Powerful Owls are present in south-west NSW State Forests. This needs to be incorporated into conservation strategies for both species.

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