
AbstractLarge eddy simulation is used to investigate passive and reactive scalar mixing at high Reynolds Re and Schmidt Sc numbers in order to prove capability of the LES‐SGS micromixing approaches based on the eddy dissipation and DQMOM‐IEM models properly simulating liquid reacting flows. Simulations were performed for a fast neutralization reaction in a confined jet reactor. The mean profiles for passive scalar agree well with measurements. It was shown that the most contribution to the scalar variance is made by large scale motions whereas the contribution of fine scales smaller than typical inertial range scales is negligible. Thus, the existing LES models are capable of predicting the scalar variance at large Sc numbers. The results obtained for reactive transport revealed discrepancies in the determination of micromixing rate and product concentration. A special study was performed to investigate the dynamics of fine structures using locally refined box embedded into global grid. Typical statistical properties of fine structures were reproduced numerically.

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