
While most academic set ups used to study combustion instabilities are limited to single burners and are submitted mainly to longitudinal acoustic modes, real gas turbines exhibit mostly azimuthal modes due to the annular shape of their chambers. This study presents a massively parallel Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of a full helicopter combustion chamber in which a self-excited azimuthal mode develops naturally. The whole chamber is computed from the diffuser outlet to the high pressure stator nozzle. LES captures this self-excited instability and results (unsteady pressure RMS and phase fields) show that it is characterized by two superimposed rotating modes with different amplitudes. These turning modes modulate the flow rate through the 15 burners and the flames oscillate back and forth in front of each burner, leading to local heat release fluctuations. LES demonstrates that the first effect of the turning modes is to induce longitudinal pulsations of the flow rates through individual burners. The transfer functions of all burners are the same and no mechanism of flame interactions between burners within the chamber is identified.

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