
Let {Zn}n≥0 be a d-dimensional supercritical branching random walk started from the origin. Write Zn(S) for the number of particles located in a set S⊂Rd at time n. Denote by Rn:=inf⁡{ρ≥0:Zi({|x|≥ρ})=0,∀0≤i≤n} the radius of the minimal ball (centered at the origin) containing the range of {Zi}i≥0 up to time n. In this work, we show that under some mild conditions Rn/n converges in probability to some positive constant x⁎ as n→∞. Furthermore, we study its corresponding lower and upper deviation probabilities, i.e. the decay rates ofP(Rn≤xn)forx∈(0,x⁎);P(Rn≥xn)forx∈(x⁎,∞) as n→∞.

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