
Background: In the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, each DNA replication origin is associated with an autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) element. Each element contains several modules, including an essential close match to the 11 base-pair (bp) ARS consensus sequence (ACS) and two or three short (< 20 bp) stimulatory motifs, within a stretch of ∼150 bp or less. To determine whether a similar origin structure exists in the evolutionarily distant fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we used deletion and linker substitution scanning to identify the sequences important for the function of ars3002, a chromosomal replication origin.Results We detected two large (30–55 bp) essential regions and several additional stimulatory sequences within a 600 bp stretch of a restriction fragment containing ars3002. The two essential regions are similar to each other, and sequences similar to them are found in all known S. pombe ARS elements, suggesting that one or both of them may represent the S. pombe equivalent of the S. cerevisiae ACS.Conclusion Like S. cerevisiae origins, the S. pombe origin, ars3002, possesses a modular structure, but the number and size of modules is greater for ars3002, and ars3002 is larger than S. cerevisiae origins. These observations suggest that origin function in S. pombe requires more protein–DNA interactions than in S. cerevisiae.

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