
We study quantum phase transitions of a XXZ spin model with spin S = 1/2 and 1 in one dimension. The XXZ spin chain is one of basic models in understanding various one-dimensional magnetic materials. To study this model, we construct infinite-lattice matrix product state (iMPS), which is a tensor product form for a one-dimensional many-body quantum wave function. By using timeevolution- block-decimation method (TEBD) on iMPS, we obtain the ground states of the XXZ model at zero temperature. This method is very delicate in calculating ground states so that we developed a reliable method of finding the ground state with the dimension of entanglement coefficients up to 300, which is beyond the previous works. By analyzing ground-state energies, half-chain entanglement entropies, and entanglement spectrum, we found the signatures of quantum phase transitions between ferromagnetic phase, XY phase, Haldane phase, and antiferromagnetic phase.

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