
Citrus is one of the most important fruit crops in Indonesia. One of the main problems in citrus production is mite infestation. Many mite species were reported attacking citrus around the world. This study was aimed to identify mites and describe the main characters of various species of mites on citrus in Java, Indonesia. Sampling was carried out at the location of citrus plantations and citrus plants in the yard of the house which was carried out purposively. In a large planting area, sampling was carried out on 10 citrus trees that showed symptoms of mite attack. The identification process is carried out by a mounting process to obtain specimens that can be observed under a compound microscope using PVA. Eight species of mites were collected from 8 various of citrus from 15 location. Six mites species were identified as phytophagous, i.e., Panonychus citri McGregor, Eotetranychus sp., Eutetranychus sp. (Family Tetranychidae), Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Family Tenuipalpidae), Tarsonemus bilobatus Suski (Family Tarsonemidae), and Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead) (Family Eriophyidae). Meanwhile, the other two species, Amblyseius sp. (Family Phytoseiidae) and Cheletogenes ornatus (Canestrini & Fanzago) (Family Cheyletidae) were predators. Unidentified mites were Family Tydeidae and Winterschmidtiidae. According to Regulation No. 31 of 2018, P. citri and Ph. oleivora are quarantine pest. T. bilobatus is firstly reported in Indonesia.


  • Jeruk merupakan salah satu tanaman buah utama di Indonesia karena memiliki beberapa keunggulan kompetitif dengan beberapa kriteria

  • The identification process is carried out by a mounting process to obtain specimens that can be observed under a compound microscope using PVA

  • Eight species of mites were collected from 8 various of citrus from 15

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Pengambilan sampel Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada beberapa lokasi pertanaman jeruk dan tanaman jeruk yang berada di pekarangan rumah secara purposif di Pulau Jawa (Tabel 1). Pada lokasi pertanaman yang luas, pengambilan sampel dilakukan terhadap 10 pohon jeruk yang menunjukan gejala serangan tungau, sedangkan untuk di pekarangan rumah, pengambilan sampel tungau dilakukan pada semua pohon bergejala. Sepuluh pucuk dan daun yang sudah berwarna hijau tua diambil dari empat arah mata angin pada setiap pohon. Penanganan sampel Setiap sampel daun (pucuk dan daun yang sudah berwarna hijau tua) dimasukkan ke dalam kantong plastik bening, diberi keterangan inang dan lokasi pengambilan sampel, kemudian setelah itu disimpan dalam coolbox. Setiap sampel dicuci dengan ±20 ml alkohol 70% di dalam plastik sampel, kemudian digoyang-goyangkan. Hermawan et al.: Laporan baru tungau T. bilobatus dan karakter utama tungau lain pada daun tanaman jeruk

Jawa Timur Jombang
Keanekaragaman tungau pada tanaman jeruk di Pulau Jawa
Fitofag Fitofag Fitofag Predator Predator
Predator Jeruk siam
Deskripsi spesies tungau pada daun tanaman jeruk
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