
Hyperspectral (HS) pansharpening aims to create a pansharpened image that integrates the spatial details of the panchromatic (PAN) image and the spectral content of the HS image. In this article, we present a deep convolutional network within the mature Gaussian–Laplacian pyramid for pansharpening (LPPNet). The overall structure of LPPNet is a cascade of the Laplacian pyramid dense network with a similar structure at each pyramid level. Following the general idea of multiresolution analysis (MRA), the subband residuals of the desired HS images are extracted from the PAN image and injected into the upsampled HS image to reconstruct the high-resolution HS images level by level. Applying the mature Laplace pyramid decomposition technique to the convolution neural network (CNN) can simplify the pansharpening problem into several pyramid-level learning problems so that the pansharpening problem can be solved with a shallow CNN with fewer parameters. Specifically, the Laplacian pyramid technology is used to decompose the image into different levels that can differentiate large- and small-scale details, and each level is handled by a spatial subnetwork in a divide-and-conquer way to make the network more efficient. Experimental results show that the proposed LPPNet method performs favorably against some state-of-the-art pansharpening methods in terms of objective indexes and subjective visual appearance.

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