
Fallopian tube interruption is a common form of contraception worldwide. For a variety of reasons (e.g. change in marital status, wish for additional children, psychological factors), many of these women seek restoration of fertility. Laparoscopic tubal anastomosis is one of the newest of these procedures by which this can be achieved. Sixteen women underwent laparoscopic microsurgical anastomosis. We used a three-stitches technique with tubal cannulation adapted from methods described in the literature. Five pregnancies occurred, giving an overall pregnancy rate of 31.2%. Surgical outcome depends on the patient's age, the method of tube interruption and the length of Fallopian tube segments being anastomosed. In this study, the feasibility of laparoscopic tubal sterilization reversal is confirmed, as well as the benefits offered by laparoscopic procedures in terms of quality of life. Further improvement of surgical outcome will be achieved not only through better laparoscopic techniques but also through careful screening for surgical indications.

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