
Laparoscopic-assisted anorectoplasty (LAARP) is considered to benefit the patients with vesico-prostatic fistula. The aim of this study is to present the details of our LAARP technique for improving the short- and long-term outcomes in the patients with high and intermediate types of anorectal malformations (ARMs). 330 patients with high-type (174 cases) and intermediate-type (156 cases) anorectal malformation (aged 8days to 15years) underwent LAARP from 2001 to 2019. LAARP was performed for full mobilization and resection of the dilated rectum, intra-rectal closure of the fistula, visualization, and enlargement of the center of the longitudinal muscle tube (LMT) from pelvic and perineal aspects. LAARP was performed in all patients and no patient was converted to open procedure. The urethral diverticulum was found in three patients (1.02%, 3/294) according to postoperative protocol voiding cystourethrogram but was not associated with any symptoms such as urinary tract infection and dysuria. Rectal prolapse requiring surgical intervention developed in 25 (7.6%) of 330 patients. Anal stricture occurred in three patients and re-do anoplasty was performed 5months after LAARP. Anal retraction occurred in two patients and re-pull-through was conducted at 5 and 6days, respectively, after LAARP. 228 patients who were older than 3years were followed up. The median follow-up period was 5.8years (range 3-15years). 217 patients (95.2%) had voluntary bowel movements; 202 patients (88.6%) were free from soiling or with grade 1 soiling; 30 patients (13.6%) and 25 patients (11.3%) suffered from grade 1 and grade 2 constipation, respectively, while no patient had grade 3 constipation. Our experience demonstrates that the LAARP has advantages on rectal mobilization and resection, intra-rectal fistula closure and accurate tunnel formation in the LMT with minimal trauma. The improvement of the short-term and long-term outcomes after LAARP has been shown not only for high-type ARM but also for intermediate-type ARM.

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