
The perineal hernia is a condition that occurs as a result of a defect in the pelvic diaphragm. It is classified as anterior or posterior, and as either a primary or secondary hernia. The best management of this condition remains controversial. To demonstrate the surgical steps of a laparoscopic repair with mesh of a perineal hernia. A video presentation showing the laparoscopic repair of a recurrent perineal hernia. A 46-year-old woman with a prior history of a primary perineal hernia repair had complaints of a symptomatic vulvar bulge. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging showed a 5 cm hernia sac at the right anterior pelvic wall containing adipose tissue. A laparoscopic perineal hernia repair was performed by dissection of the space of Retzius, reduction of the hernial sac, closure of the defect and mesh fixation. The laparoscopic repair with mesh of a recurrent perineal hernia is demonstrated. We showed that the laparoscopic approach can be an effective and reproducible treatment for perineal hernia. Understanding of the surgical steps involved in the laparoscopic repair with mesh of a recurrent perineal hernia.

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