
This video demonstrates laparoscopic band-separated one anastomosis gastric bypass-combining the advantages of banding and gastric bypass without stapler and cutter use. This is basically a gastrojejunal loop bypass above an obstructive band in the upper stomach. An adjustable low pressure "Medsil" gastric band was introduced in the abdomen and retracted through the retrogastric tunnel. The front wall of the stomach below the band was displaced in the upward direction through the ring band, increasing the size of the anterior portion of the stomach pouch so that a gastroenteroanastomosis could be created at this point. Gastro-gastric sutures were placed to create a gastro-gastric plication around the band and hold it in position. The band tubing was exteriorized and connected to a special port, which was secured to the abdominal wall fascia. A jejunal loop was created about 200cm from the ligament of Treitz and anastomosed to the gastric pouch by hand using Vicryl 2/0 sutures. Between November 2015 and February 2016, the study was performed on 10 patients. The average operating time for all cases was 75min (range 63-87). There was no morbidity or mortality. No complications were observed, including band erosion and band infection. Operation costs were about $2000 lower with this method than with standard gastric bypass surgery. Postop the patients lost weight by 3-4kg per month. Preliminary results show that laparoscopic band-separated one anastomosis gastric bypass have feasibility, safety, efficacy, and reduced operating costs.

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