
Aim: to evaluate the short- and long-term outcomes of laparoscopic and open operations in the treatment of hepatic echinococcosis.Materials and methods. The results of laparoscopic and open echinococcectomies performed from 2013 to 2020 were retrospectively studied. Laparoscopic operations were considered the method of choice. Open operations were performed in cases with contraindications to the laparoscopic approach.Results. In total, 57 patients were operated: 47 laparoscopically (including robotic approach in 4 cases), 9 patients underwent open surgery. Radical procedures prevailed among laparoscopic cystectomies: 46 (98%). In the groups of laparoscopic/open cystectomies, partial pericystectomy was performed in 1/3 of patients, subtotal – in 24/4, total – in 13/0, and liver resection – in 9/2 patients, respectively. Laparoscopic procedures were performed mainly for types 1 and 3 of cysts, open procedures – for type 2 (WHO), recurrent and extrahepatic abdominal cysts were indication for open surgery. The frequency of severe complications did not differ between the groups. In the laparoscopic group, 1 (2%) patient died. After laparoscopic cystectomies, the mean (median) hospital stay (8 vs 10 days) and duration of abdominal drainage (10 vs 12 days) were significantly shorter. Relapse occurred only after conservative cystectomies, in one patient in each group.Conclusion. Laparoscopic radical surgery for liver hydatid cysts may be the method of choice if performed in a specialized HPB center. Patient selection criteria should be based on the center's experience in laparoscopic liver surgery.


  • Цель: оценить ближайшие и отдаленные результаты лапароскопических и открытых операций при эхинококкозе печени

  • Open operations were performed in cases with contraindications to the laparoscopic approach

  • Laparoscopic radical surgery for liver hydatid cysts may be the method of choice if performed in a specialized HPB center

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57 patients were operated: 47 laparoscopically (including robotic approach in 4 cases), 9 patients underwent open surgery. In the groups of laparoscopic/open cystectomies, partial pericystectomy was performed in 1/3 of patients, subtotal – in 24/4, total – in 13/0, and liver resection – in 9/2 patients, respectively. Laparoscopic radical surgery for liver hydatid cysts may be the method of choice if performed in a specialized HPB center. Patient selection criteria should be based on the center's experience in laparoscopic liver surgery. Несмотря на доказанные лучшие ближайшие результаты радикальных операций (тотальной и субтотальной перицистэктомии, резекции печени) в открытой хирургии, развитие этого направления в лапароскопической хирургии ЭП происходит медленно [4]. Цель исследования – оценка частоты, характера, показаний, а также ближайших и отдаленных результатов лапароскопических и открытых операций у больных ЭП в специализированном центре гепатобилиарной хирургии

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