
For $X$ a smooth scheme acted on by a linear algebraic group $G$ and $p$ a prime, the equivariant Chow ring $CH^*_G(X)\otimes \mathbb{F}_p$ is an unstable algebra over the Steenrod algebra. We compute Lannes's $T$-functor applied to $CH^*_G(X)\otimes \mathbb{F}_p$. As an application, we compute the localization of $CH^*_G(X)\otimes \mathbb{F}_p$ away from $n$-nilpotent modules over the Steenrod algebra, affirming a conjecture of Totaro as a special case. The case when $X$ is a point and $n = 1$ generalizes and recovers an algebro-geometric version of Quillen's stratification theorem proved by Yagita and Totaro.

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