
The aim of this paper is to extend the notion of an automaton as a triple made of a set of states, a free monoid on some set, and an action of this monoid on the set of states, to the case where the free monoid is replaced by a free Γ-monoid, and the action is replaced by the action of this Γ-monoid on the set of states. We call the respective triple a Γ-automaton. This concept leads to another new concept, that of a Γ-language, which is a subset of a free Γ-monoid. Also, we define recognizable Γ-languages and prove that they are exactly those Γ-languages that are recognized by a finite Γ-automaton. In the end, in analogy with the standard theory, we relate the recognizability of a Γ-language with the concept of division of semigroups.

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