
As language is central to all social processes and practices, so it is considered as the most effective tool for (re)shaping and (re)constructing the social realities and political identities as they are negotiated, (re)constructed and thus projected in the broader social and cultural contexts. Since the advent of new media technologies, particularly social media, the forms and modes of political identity construction and (re)presentations are also transformed. As debated earlier that language enables its users, specifically political actors, to exhibit the political ideologies and identities effectively, so the political actors frequently exploit these platforms to achieve their pre-defined political agendas. Within the same context the political rhetoric, specifically the ones that is generated and exhibited on social media network sites, offers a new visibility for the researchers to explore and predict how ideologies and perceptions can be achieved, advocated, altered and rebuilt through discursive discourse strategies on these networking sites. Providing the power of social media for political participation, political engagement and political activism, there is a need to design such framework that can offer a different lens for the analysis of critical yet sensitive issue of political identity (re)presentation beyond the textual level. To address the above debated issue a new theoretical framework is presented in this paper that enables to analyse the text with special reference to the context in which the political identities are negotiated, (re)constructed and (re)presented. This framework is designed by collaborating the approaches of CDA, Political Identity theory, Social Media theory and Political Discourse theory that enables to explore the interrelationship between the “language in use” and the context in which it is created and consumed.


  • The theoretical framework is one of the most important element for research based studies as it provides the foundation on which the whole scholarship is built with special reference to theoretical concepts, analytical frameworks etc. (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010) In the current study theory triangulation is offered to get a better understanding about the text from analysis perspective

  • This framework is designed by collaborating the approaches of CDA, Political Identity theory, Social Media theory and Political Discourse theory that enables to explore the interrelationship between the “language in use” and the context in which it is created and consumed

  • Vol 8, No 2; 2018 facts the current study has focus upon the significance of theoretical triangulation by proposing a new model for the analysis of social media political discourse

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The theoretical framework is one of the most important element for research based studies as it provides the foundation on which the whole scholarship is built with special reference to theoretical concepts, analytical frameworks etc. (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010) In the current study theory triangulation is offered to get a better understanding about the text from analysis perspective. To get a clearer understanding of the concept of theory triangulation it is important to note that triangulation does not require the use of three theories, three reference points or three options It means just more than one (Denzin & Lincoln, 1994; Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2003). According to Mathison (1988), theory triangulation provides coverage of an accurate representation of a particular reality by interpreting data from multiple perspectives. It means that theoretical triangulation enables a researcher to validate the research analysis and research findings from a better perspective. Vol 8, No 2; 2018 facts the current study has focus upon the significance of theoretical triangulation by proposing a new model for the analysis of social media political discourse. By keeping in mind the same quality of digital political discourse the current model is proposed in this research paper

Political Discourse Analysis
The Domain of Politics
Political Ideologies
Political Groups
Political Actors
Political Relations
Political Discourse
Political Cognition
Social Identity Theory
Clusivity Theory
Social Media Theory
Research Methods
Results and Discussion
Full Text
Paper version not known

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