
The article substantiates the socio-economic and cultural-historical introduction of the Ossetians to the Russian language, which is considered as the result of the natural development of the standard of living of the highlanders. The aim of the study is to consider the history and characteristics of national-Russian bilingualism, the role of language interaction in the formation of a bilingual personality, society, identification of deformed linguistic processes that led to both the loss of the function of language proficiency and its use in everyday life, as well as measures that contribute to the revival of native language. The article emphasizes that the Russian language has become a civilizing factor that has significantly accelerated the development of the spiritual culture of the mountaineers, that it, along with the Ossetian language, is recognized as the state language of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania as a language of interethnic communication, it is provided with free functioning throughout the republic. The work also focuses on the ethno-demographic composition of the population, emphasizes the polyethnicity of the region, which contributes to the strengthening of the role of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication. During the 20th century, a sharp delimitation of the functions of the Russian and native languages leads to a weakening of the role of the national language, which exposes it to the threat of extinction. Loss of language entails a loss of self-awareness, culture, perception of the world, as well as the loss of self-identification. According to the authors, the republic itself needs to be concerned about the widespread use and all-round development of the native language in national government bodies, public organizations of science, culture, education, health care and the service sector. We need to work with those native speakers who do not consider it prestigious to communicate in their native language in the family, do not try to pass it on to the next generation: the lack of linguistic continuity is destructive. To preserve the language in the context of globalization, the authors propose to strengthen the role of the state and society, to consolidate the efforts of scientists, statesmen and public figures in order to influence the activities of the media to preserve the language and culture; direct their efforts towards harmonious bilingualism.


  • Вопрос о сферах общения, функциях языка и их соотношении, как известно, неоднозначен в связи с принципами и способами определения сфер общения и функций языка

  • The aim of the study is to consider the history and characteristics of national-Russian bilingualism, the role of language interaction in the formation of a bilingual personality, society, identification of deformed linguistic processes that led to both the loss of the function of language proficiency and its use in everyday life, as well as measures that contribute to the revival of native language

  • The article emphasizes that the Russian language has become a civilizing factor that has significantly accelerated the development of the spiritual culture

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Языковая ситуация и статус языков в Республике Северная Осетия Алания

Целью исследования является рассмотрение истории и особенностей национально-русского двуязычия, роль взаимодействия языков в процессе формирования билингвальной личности, общества, выявление деформированных языковых процессов, приведших как к утрате функции владения языком, так и его пользованием в повседневной жизни, а также мер, способствующих возрождению родного языка. В статье подчеркивается, что русский язык стал цивилизующим фактором, значительно ускорившим процесс развития духовной культуры горцев, что он, наряду с осетинским языком, признается государственным языком Республики Северная Осетия-Алания как язык межнационального общения, ему обеспечивается свободное функционирование на всей территории республики. В работе также акцентируется внимание на этнодемографическом составе населения, подчеркивается полиэтничность региона, что способствует усилению роли русского языка как языка межнационального общения. В течение XX века резкое размежевание функций русского и родного языков приводит к ослаблению роли национального языка, что подвергает его угрозе исчезновения. Для цитирования: Бесолова Е.Б., Закаева Б.К., Джиоева В.П., Денисенко А.В., Калинина Ю.М.

Республики Северная Осетия Алания
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