
Since the seminal work of Broca in 1861, it is well established that language is essentially processed in the left hemisphere. However, the origin of hemispheric specialization remains controversial. Some authors posit that language lateralization is genetically determined, while others have suggested that hemispheric specialization develops with age. Tenants of the latter view have further suggested that the adult pattern of left hemispheric specialization is achieved by means of callosal inhibition of homologous speech areas in the right hemisphere during ontogeny. According to this hypothesis, one would expect language to develop bilaterally in the acallosal brain. A recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study in one patient with agenesis of the corpus callosum suggests that this might indeed be the case (Riecker et al., 2007). However, given the large anatomic and functional variability in the population of subjects with agenesis of the corpus callosum, this finding needs to be more extensively replicated. In the present study, we explored language lateralization in six individuals with agenesis of the corpus callosum using an fMRI protocol which included a syntactic decision task and a sub-vocal verbal fluency task. Two neurologically intact control groups, one comparable to the acallosals in terms of IQ, age and education (n=6) and one group with a high IQ (n=5), performed the same tasks. No differences were found between language lateralization of the subjects with agenesis of the corpus callosum and the control groups in the receptive speech task. However, for expressive speech, the groups differed with respect to frontal activations, with the acallosal participants showing a more bilateral pattern of activation than the high-IQ participants only. No differences were found for temporal regions. Overall, these results indicate that the corpus callosum is not essential for the establishment of lateralized language functions.

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