
Although the relations between Turks and Persians date back to the first periods of history, especially since the first years of Islam, these two nations shared the same religious and political powers with Arabs and lived together and exchanged culture with each other for centuries. Naturally, after Islam, Arabic and Persian influenced Turkish both in form and content. After the announcement of the Tanzimat, the changes made with the innovation movements have also affected the language, and various literary movements have put forward different ideas about how the written language should be. After that period, Ottoman Turkish was stuck between Arabic and Persian. The literati and intellectuals of that period started to use many Arabic and Persian words, which were not even used in that period, and created many compositions and phrases that could not be resolved with them. These compositions and phrases made the language of the works created in that period very heavy and almost incomprehensible. The content of the Shari'iyye registers includes a very wide and comprehensive area as a research field. It is closely related to the social, cultural and linguistic features of the times it was in. In cases seen in the registries, besides many immovable properties (mills, stores, shops, etc.) sold, donated or left inherited, the items (wooden sofa, tray, sheet, fork, shirt etc.) carries over. In this context, Tuzla Court Şer'iyye Registry XIX. century, it has the characteristics of that period because it is the official court records. The XIX, which we mentioned above in general terms. century language features of the Tuzla Court overlap with the Şer'iyye Registry Book (1287-1295). When we look at this shari'iyye registry book, we come across definitions of sharia law, and many non-Turkish (Arabic, Persian) words in addition to the terms. In addition, the compositions and phrases made make the language of the work very heavy. Court proceedings, written in the ornate prose style, are very difficult to understand. In addition, it is possible to encounter some linguistic features (For example: rounding) belonging to the period of Old Anatolian Turkish in the work

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