
1. List of abbreviations 2. Investigating the lifespan perspective (by Gerstenberg, Annette) 3. Disassociating the effects of age from phonetic change: A longitudinal study of formant frequencies (by Reubold, Ulrich) 4. Phonological variation in real time: Patterns of adult linguistic stability and change (by Bowie, David) 5. Language production in late life (by Kemper, Susan) 6. Vocabulary and dementia in six novelists (by Lancashire, Ian) 7. A sociolinguistic perspective on vocabulary richness in a seven-year comparison of older adults (by Gerstenberg, Annette) 8. Age-related variation and language change in Early Modern English (by Nevalainen, Terttu) 9. Lifespan and linguistic awareness: The case of 18th-century Italian autobiographers (by Tomasin, Lorenzo) 10. Tired mind or tired hand?: Linguistic changes in the private letters of a Baltic German nobleman (by Voeste, Anja) 11. Kriegsausbruch, Kriegs Ausbruch, KriegsAusbruch: On the possible connection between linguistic variation and age, based on personal journals from 1892 to 1944 (by Schuster, Britt-Marie) 12. Index

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