
The article discusses issues related to the formation of language competence of younger schoolchildren studying in the conditions of national-Russian bilingualism. The problems of teaching and mental development of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of bilingualism are currently gaining special importance. The aggravated tendencies of assimilation of some ethnic groups by others lead to the loss of national traditions, culture, and language.Russia is a multinational country, it has always been characterized by migration processes, active cultural penetration of some ethnic groups into others. The Republic of RSO-Alania is also multinational and is also subject to all these phenomena. Conflicts and socio-economic crises occurring in the CIS countries and Russia lead to the appearance of migrants. The problems of introducing migrants to the culture, including the language, of the community in which they are forced to live, are particularly relevant.One of the problems of bilingualism is its impact on the development of language competence of students in relation to the second language, especially since migrant children are forced to study in a second, non-native language for them. The lack of formation of speech competence entails school failure (L.V. Yassman). In his research, V.P. Yassman proves that with the development of speech competence, the active intellectual development of the child also occurs. Thus, language competence is one of the conditions not only for the successful education of a migrant child at school, but also for positive socialization in society.

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